Dr. Reza Mohammadi

Associate professor

I am a Statistician and researcher primarily interested in developing statistical methods to analyse high-dimensional data which routinely arise in neuroscience, econometrics, machine learning, and social science. My current research is focused on developing Bayesian statistical methods in constructing networks for multivariate statistical analysis. These methods have applications in a wide variety of disciplines, such as capturing causal relationships between brain activities for treatment of psychiatric disorders. My work frequently publishes in international academic literature, such as Bayesian Analysis and Journal of Statistics Software. 

I am currently Assistant Professor of Statistic at the University of Amsterdam, Operations Management section. During 2016-2017, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Methodology and Statistics at the Tilburg University and Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS). In 2015, I received my PhD in Probability and Statistics from the University of Groningen for my thesis entitled "Bayesian Model Determination in Complex Systems", supervised by Prof. Ernst Wit. 


Plantage Muidergracht 12
1018 TV Amsterdam

T  +31 (0)20 525 5203
M +31 (0)6 4510 6717

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